欢迎回到另一期本周 Spring。本周是报名参加SpringOne on the Road活动在伦敦、基辅和莫斯科的最后机会,因此请务必注册。让我们深入了解一下!
- Chris Richardson 关于Java 开发人员的 NoSQL 选项的网络研讨会录制内容已在 SpringSourceDev YouTube 频道上线。
- Shekhar Gulati 关于 Spring Roo 的精彩介绍在 IBM 的 developerWorks 门户网站上继续进行。最新一期介绍了编写高级(和包装器)Spring Roo 插件。
<LI> This article, which introduces how to use <a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/use-javafx2-spring">Spring to assemble JavaFX 2 components</a> is short and to the point. I'd probably use Spring's Java configuration option to fully exploit all the custom components, however. The nice thing about the approach outlined (over using FXML, directly, is that beans configured this way benefit from all the services that Spring provides, including dependency injection and AOP). Nice post, Andy! </LI>
<LI>Blogger <EM>Rob Gordon</EM> has a nice post introducing <a href ="http://rgordon.co…