欢迎回来,这是另一期《本周 Spring》。本周有很多内容要讨论,以及大量新版本,所以让我们直接进入正题!
- Chris Beams 宣布了 Spring 3.1 的最新最佳版本,RC2。这是预期的最终版本,因此请尽快获取这些内容并试用。要了解 Spring 3.1 的内容,请查看 发行说明 和 Spring 3.1 博客系列
The steady march to Spring Integration 2.1 GA continues. This week, <A href= "http://www.springsource.org/node/3315">Spring Integration 2.1 RC1 was released</a>.
There are a lot of new features in Spring Integration 2.1, including support for GemFire, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, and much, much, more. For the full details, <a href="https://jira.springsource.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10121&version=12341">see the release notes</a>. </LI>
<A href ="http://www.springsource.com/developer/sts">SpringSource Tool Suite</A> lead Martin Lippert has announced the <a href="http…