Spring 年度回顾
欢迎回到 2011 年最后一期Spring 周报。难以置信,我们做这件事已经一年了!时间都去哪儿了?俗话说,快乐的时光总是短暂的……
我们一直希望这些综述能让开发者更容易了解 Spring 社区的动态。SpringSource 和 VMware 的公告、发布和内容,以及社区作者创作的大量内容,总有一些有趣的事情在发生。
虽然本周有很多有趣的内容,但我们将把通常的评论推迟到下周。本周,我们将回顾 Spring 社区在 2011 年的历程。
<lI> <B>Spring 3.1</B> Development of Spring 3.1 began in earnest in early 2010, and by SpringOne 2GX 2010 we already had an idea of what it was going to look like. By the beginning of this year, <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3026">we already had milestones</a> to play with.
As the year progressed, we saw numerous new milestones, followed in short order by release candidates. The release candidates progressed and then, finally, a couple of weeks ago, we <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/node/3335">got Spring 3.1 GA</a>.