本周 Spring,2012 年 2 月 28 日
欢迎来到另一期《本周 Spring》。像往常一样,我们有很多好东西要看。
Since you're here, though, let's talk about the <a href="http://blog.cloudfoundry.com/post/13481010905/cloud-foundry-open-tour-2012" target="_blank">Cloud Foundry Open Tour</a>, which is an event bringing the industry's best talent and speakers on Spring, Cloud Foundry, and much more to a town near you in America, Asia and Europe. The full itinerary's provided on the linked page, but if you're in (or near) Shanhai, Beijing, Tokyo, London, Moscow, Kiev, San Francisco, Portland, Austin, and Washington D.C., then you should not miss this event - <a href="http://opentour…